haltampac — Bring AMPAC jobs to a controlled stop.
This utility will find all of the AMPAC jobs running in the current directory over which the user has control and provide the option to halt one of them. The halt is a “soft landing” where the information computed is retained, as the computation will complete the current SCF cycle. Thus, the job may take a few moments to halt execution. If the user has only one AMPAC job currently running, the user will be asked if the given job should be halted. If multiple AMPAC jobs belonging to the user are found, the user is presented with a list of identified Ampac processes and is prompted to specify the job to be halted.
Two additional options may also be included on the command line. The -kill
indicates that the job (or jobs) are to be immediately terminated rather than halted. Killing a job is immediate
but result in loosing part or all of the progress in the killed job. The -all
will halt (or kill) all of jobs running in that directory without waiting for user input. These two options should be
used with care.
A third option, -all
, extends the scope of the command recursively down the subdirectory tree.
This may be useful in conjunction with mampac -r, since the active jobs may be
located in a distant subdirectory rather than current directory. Use with caution.
Seach recursively for running jobs. [Default is to seach only the current directory.] |
All running jobs detected will be halted (or killed). [Default is to let the user to select an individual job.] |
The job will by killed rather than halted. The job ends immediately, however, final restart information will not be written and job information may be lost. |
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